Dos And Don'ts Of Working With Ready-Mixed Concrete
ShareUnlike unmixed concrete that you prepare on-site, ready-mixed concrete is a specific formula formulated with your job's particular needs in mind. There are several advantages to using ready-mixed concrete, including the product's unmatched quality and the fact that ready-mixed concrete is a zero-waste product because the concrete can be broken down and used again in a different capacity.
If you are working with ready-mixed concrete, here are a few general dos and don'ts to keep in mind.
Do Understand the Different Types of Ready-Mixed Concrete
Ready-mixed concrete is prepared to meet your job's specific needs. However, in general, there are a few types of ready-made concrete, including central mixed concrete, shrink mixed concrete, and transit mixed concrete.
Each type of ready-made concrete is classified by when and how it is mixed. For example, transit mixed concrete is mixed in a large rotating drum while the ready-made concrete is transported to the job site. In addition to determining the ideal type of ready-mixed concrete, you also need to figure out how much ready-mixed concrete you will need and the perfect time to have the concrete delivered.
Do Follow Safety Protocols When Handling the Ready-Mixed Concrete
Like other types of concrete and building materials, it is integral to follow safety protocols while handling the product. For example, always wear waterproof gloves, safety goggles, long pants, and steel-toed boots while working with ready-mixed concrete.
If you get ready-mixed concrete in your eyes, wash out your eyes immediately with cool water. Because ready-mixed concrete dries so quickly, you should wash off any concrete mix that comes into contact with the skin.
Don't Have the Ready-Mixed Concrete Delivered Until the Site Is Prepared
Always prepare the site before the ready-mixed concrete is delivered to your job site. In most cases, a solid base includes a layer of crushed rock or stone several inches deep, the forms to outline where the concrete will be poured, and, if necessary, rebar to provide even more strength.
Don't Pour the Concrete in the Wrong Conditions
Finally, check the weather report to ensure the concrete is poured in the ideal conditions. If the weather is too hot, the ready-made concrete will dry too quickly and cannot be worked with as easily. Pouring concrete in the rain or snow will make maintaining the proper water and concrete mix proportions challenging.
From making sure to pour the product in the right conditions to ordering the right mixture for the job, there are several dos and don'ts to remember when working with ready-mixed concrete.