3 Tips For Finding A New Apartment When You Have A Vicious Breed Of Dog
ShareIf your dog is a breed that is considered to be vicious, you are probably already aware of how challenging it can be to find a landlord who is willing to allow you to rent an apartment. Since apartments so rarely come with private, fenced yards, it can be even more difficult to find an accommodating landlord since your pet will not have the space to run off its energy or become more complacent when you are away from home. Fortunately, the following tips will make it easier to find the perfect apartment that meets both your needs and those of your beloved canine.
#1-Enroll Your Pet Or Show Proof Of Their Previous Completion In Obedience Classes
It is not unusual for landlords to fear that excessive barking, chewing or other unpleasant habits of larger, restricted breeds could deter other renters from living nearby or cause damage to your apartment. In that instance, you may be able to offset their fears by showing proof of their training.
If your dog has previously successfully completed any type of canine manners, training or obedience classes, this will be a good time to dig out those certificates. If that has not occurred yet, you may want to consider enrolling them in a class that meets frequently, so you can produce evidence of your dog's good nature, manners, and training.
#2-Offer Proof From Previous Landlords That Your Dog Has Not Caused Problems
Since future landlords will not have the benefit of knowing you or your dog very well when you first meet, they are likely to use the information they do have. Unfortunately, that means that they are probably considering the many bad experiences that they are aware of with vicious breeds of dogs and irresponsible pet owners. Therefore, you should provide proof that you and your canine have previously been and will again be good tenants.
Since your landlord will have access to the contact information of persons or apartments from whom you have previously rented as part of your application, it is a good idea to allow them to verify the information relating to your pet's experience as well. You may find that verifying there were no complaints about Fido at your previous address, you may have a better chance of bringing him to your next home.
#3-Be Flexible With Your Finances And Lease Terms
If despite your best efforts, you have a Iandlord or property owner who is stiII concerned about aIIowing your pet, you may find that offering to Iimit their IiabiIity is helpful. Since you are sure of your dog's future behavior and the person you would Iike to rent from is not, one option would be to offer to sign a shorter lease. By agreeing to stay in the unit for only three months or even on a month-to-month basis at first, the Iandlord knows that the damage or complaints your dog may accrue wiII be more limited. Thus, you might be a better risk.
Another option could be paying a bigger pet deposit, which would also limit the amount of money your Iandlord could Iose if your pet damaged the rental property. However, it is a good idea to verify that any deposits you pay would be returned in fuII at the time you move out. That is due to the fact that it has become common practice in many areas for pet fees to occur in Iieu of pet deposits and those are rarely refundable. It is important to note that some states limit the doIIar amount of deposits that property owners can require from renters.
In conclusion, there is no doubt that finding an apartment like University Manor Apartments when your dog is classified as an aggressive breed can be frustrating and time-consuming. Therefore, it is a good idea to apply the advice provided above as part of your hunt for a new home for you and your pet.